Craft an Elegant Seed Bead Bracelet with SilverSilk Capture Chain

Hello, creative souls! Welcome to the SilverSilk Channel. I'm Nealay Patel, the owner, designer, and educator behind SilverSilk and More. Today, we're diving into the world of knitted wire jewelry chain as we craft a mesmerizing seed bead bracelet. Get ready to create an accessory that's not just a bracelet, but also a potential necklace. This is a project that combines ease with innovation, allowing you to whip up a chic piece in mere minutes. So, let's get started on this exciting journey of crafting with SilverSilk Capture Chain!

Materials You'll Need:

8in • SilverSilk Capture Chain

6in • Leather cord (2mm)

2 • Single strand end caps (antique brass)

1 • Head pin (antique brass)

1• 8mm bead (for clasp)

Size 6 seed beads in three colors (about 10 beads each)

about 30 or more • 6mm inner diameter jump rings (antique brass)

Tools You'll Need: 

Chain nose pliers

Round nose pliers

Wide nose pliers with Tool Magic coating

Nylon jaw pliers (optional)


Loctite or E6000 adhesive

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Determine Bracelet Length:

Begin by wrapping the SilverSilk Capture Chain around your wrist, leaving about an inch for the clasp area. To ensure the perfect fit, take a cue from chefs and embrace the "measure twice, cut once" mantra.

Prepare and Secure End Caps:

Use your chain nose pliers to gently open a Single-strand End Cap. Slide the SilverSilk Capture Chain into the end cap, making sure it's snug. Give it a firm press, securing it around the chain using wide nose pliers coated with Tool Magic for a protective touch.

Create Seed Bead Jump Rings:

Craft stunning textured components by threading around one or two size 6 seed beads onto each 6mm inner diameter jump ring. This little flourish is what will set your bracelet apart.

String Beads onto Capture Chain:

Give your bracelet personality by attaching the jump ring with seed beads to the SilverSilk Capture Chain. Your creative instincts can shine as you alternate colors and textures.

Secure the Second End Cap:

Time to complete the bracelet's enclosure. Attach the other Single-strand End Cap to the opposite end of the SilverSilk Capture Chain using the same method.

Craft the Unique Clasp:

Slide an 8mm bead onto a head pin and create a 90-degree angle by folding the wire against your chain nose pliers. Using round nose pliers, shape a neat loop. Insert the loop into the end cap's hole and secure it by wrapping the excess wire around the loop's stem. Trim away any surplus wire.

Assemble the Leather Cord Clasp:

Knot the end of a piece of leather cord using a simple overhand knot. Thread the other end through the end cap, determining the distance needed to accommodate the bead. Knot the cord again, ensuring the clasp fits comfortably. Strengthen the knots with a touch of Loctite adhesive.

Final Touches:

Seal the deal by applying Loctite or E6000 adhesive to the knots on the leather cord. Once dried, trim any excess cord for a clean finish.


Congratulations, you've created a masterpiece! Your SilverSilk Capture Chain seed bead bracelet is a testament to your creativity and crafting prowess. Enjoy this versatile accessory as a bracelet or embrace the potential to transform it into a stunning necklace. Remember to subscribe to the SilverSilk Channel for more inspiration and exciting jewelry-making projects. Your journey of artistic expression continues – now wear your creation with pride and panache!

Nealay Patel

I exercise my craft in designing, educating and publishing various jewelry works. My checklist of accomplishments includes writing three jewelry-making books, hosting workshops at many trade shows, making television appearances on Beads, Baubles and Jewels and Jewel School on the Jewelry Television Network. Aside from actively participating in my own brand, Beads & Bubbles, I’m also a designer for Jesse James beads and Soft Flex Wire and I work full-time as an art director in my hometown, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm excited to grow SilverSilk & More and learning all the challenges that come with it. I look forward to working with you.

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