How I Developed, Created and Celebrate My Personal Style

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They say dressing well is a form of good manners, and they’re right because it gives you a boost of confidence that ultimately helps you communicate better. In a way, you can say that dressing well helps you showcase the best side of you, and knowing that the world is seeing a flattering side of you helps you be more 'yourself.' Mind you, I'm not praising a particular style or anything because, to me, fashion is a personal thing, as it is to everyone else. But then again, they say it’s easier to follow a fashion trend than to develop your own personal style- and yet again, they’re not wrong.

Truthfully, there is no need to go on and develop a style- it really just happens on its own. It involves getting to know yourself and giving yourself the time and space to be comfortable with your own ‘fashion’ choices, letting yourself be inspired by the things you find mesmerizing, and giving yourself permission to do what you love. There is no right or wrong when it comes to styling, and I’m not here to tell you how to dress. This is just my opinion on style and fashion and how I came to develop my own personal style. And while I’m not prescribing what you should do, I do hope this inspires you to embark on your own fashionable journey.

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Where I Found My Style:

I got into jewelry making when I was around 15 years old. I managed to get my hands onto hemp macrame jewelry, and I really thought I was onto something. Being able to create beautiful material from simple materials is truly a remarkable feeling- one you just have to experience yourself. And well, then I grew up a little…..or maybe a lot! And of course, I found all kinds of tools and styles that I wanted to dabble in. Nevertheless, it took me years to figure out that I was a minimalist at heart and just liked simplicity. There is a special sort of elegance in simplicity. I always design with purpose. I have received training in graphic designing earlier, and that has only taught me that each design and element should fulfill a definitive purpose and not just be inserted as mere decoration.

I’ve taken this outlook on many other aspects of my life as well, with fashion always being my top priority. But why fashion, you ask? Well, it is sort of my job, you know- recommending jewelry designs that I come up with myself, for my Silkies. And my SIlverSilk customers also love my tutorials because they feel empowered and creative- and maybe also a bit relieved since it gives them a design template that they can use. Like I said, sometimes you just don’t know where to start- developing a personal style takes time, but you'll get there eventually- all you need is a little bit of patience. But then again, not everyone is a fan of my creations either- but that’s perfectly fine as well.

I'm not out here seeking other people's validation- I'm just doing what I love and trying to enjoy it along the way. And sure, I do need to sell my products at the end of the day, but honestly, I derive pleasure from exploring different materials, finding purposeful connections and attachments, and of course, creating intentional designs. I recently ventured into the art of resin jewelry and combined it with SilverSilk for a very modish-looking statement Apoxie pendant, as you’ll find on my channel here. And like every time I try my hand at a new material, I found myself feeling like that giddy 15-year-old kid again who fell in love with jewelry making because it made him happy. And so, with each design, graphic, and jewelry piece, I have to ask myself, “Why did I put this here?” “Was it intentional?” If I can answer my own question, I feel satisfied because I have moved closer to a successful design.

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Giving Myself Permission or an Excuse to Wear Jewelry:

While I have loved jewelry-making since forever, wearing jewelry is honestly a new concept for me. In fact, I really don’t wear any necklaces or bracelets 90 percent of the time. Necklaces feel like an added weight around my neck, even if it’s just a simple chain. As for bracelets, I feel like they tend to get in the way of me working on my computer, which is kind of annoying. I work from home full-time now, both for my day job and for SilverSilk, and thus, wearing jewelry can be burdensome. Plus, of course, I am dumb and invisible to the outside world for at least 60 percent of my day because I spend a good amount of my time organizing, cleaning, answering emails, and filling orders. Even my work attire has been reduced to a mere t-shirt and some basketball shorts these days.

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Still, for the remaining 40 percent, I do have some visibility. And I take that as my chance to get creative. We are slowly but surely becoming accustomed to seeing talking heads with the new virtual aspect in our lives. However, rather than turning the camera off, I have decided to allow my coworkers and SilverSilk customers to view at least the little bit that I can give them by merely deciding to wear a nice top and some jewelry. I never say I had to put on pants, but I can do the bare minimum by meeting my audience halfway, even if only dressing from the waist up.

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I follow Trend, but I don’t make Trendy Jewelry

Now, clothing is a big part of dressing up. I choose my clothes based on cut and color. I’m not particularly a fan of fancy graphics or dazzling embellishments. As I said before, I like simplicity since it allows me to mix and match my wardrobe without any hassle- everything matches, yet it looks like I never wear the same outfit twice. Also, the pockets don't run deep, and so I like to be intentional about choosing what I shop for. I want to keep my clothes with me for the next ten years or so, as I always have. Clothes are not just materials for me; they bear memories- good ones that I cherish and some sad ones that remind me of my strengths and how I have managed to overcome so much. In fact, I even have a jacket that is more than 12 years old now, and it’s still a classic cut and color.

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I have carried over this same mindset with my jewelry making as well. I’m intentional in creating a design that won’t fade or lose its charm and luster over time. I don’t aim to create trendy jewelry pieces that are ‘in’ only for a certain period of time. You see, fashion comes and goes, but style is forever. And I always plan to create jewelry that is both stylish and timeless. Because I put so much time and effort into every piece of jewelry, I obviously want to make sure that it will last me a lifetime. For me, it’s not just jewelry- it is a reflection of all the love that went into making it. Personally, I think SilverSilk itself plays a huge role in avoiding trendy style yet always being on-trend. You can easily attach or string your favorite pendant on the go or even make something more elaborate with it. The key takeaway is that I am designing for the future, and not just the current moment.


I’m Pushing Boundaries, One Bead at a Time:

I am constantly wondering how I can push SilverSilk to new formats and how I can combine it with different colors, textures, and materials to create a beautiful piece that is truly one-of-a-kind. Also, I am big on the idea of launching fabulous new designs and jewelry chains. Making jewelry is fun, but the chain is also super robust and versatile for all kinds of adornment. I have a variety of different chain styles in my SilverSilk collection for you to experiment with. Plus, I did once make a "chestlete," as my friend Joan likes to call it. If I will ever wear it out sometime is yet to be determined. However, I do feel satisfied that I got to put SilverSilk to a new use. In fact, I’m thinking curtain ropes or chandelier chains for the next project.

As I always say, jewelry making is a fun activity. It’s all about letting your inner child have its way. And with all the lovely colors and bead options, the options are truly limitless! I started jewelry making as a hobby when I was a kid because I had fun with it. It gave me an opportunity to channel my creativity, and I have kept it up because it allows me to remain young at heart and still enjoy the wonders life has to offer. I am no Picasso, I am only Nealay, and SIlverSilk allows me to be me in every sense. I listen to my heart when creating jewelry pieces, and I do as I feel right because, really, that's the true essence of any creative art form. In fact, if you only think of beading options, there are so many options that you just won’t be able to decide! When I look at my bead collection, choosing one to work with, I feel like a kid at a candy store who just wants to get everything- and that feeling really is just unreal! Some things just can't be put into words, and the feeling that comes with creating fashionable jewelry is yet another one of those things.

 If you’re into jewelry making, you’ll know just what I mean when I say that it requires more than mere creativity. There is no one way to do something, and when crafting jewelry, your options are just a thousand-fold more. It’s all about pushing boundaries and going against the trend. You can’t go wrong with trying a different style or putting in a few extra beads. Whether you want a monochrome look, a multi-color chain, a sparkly piece, or whatever else you can think of- I guarantee it will look good. Though you might not be able to make the perfect piece on your first try, you should understand that, like everything else, this too takes time and practice, and you will get the hang of things very soon. However, you still don’t need to follow instructions because jewelry making is all about pushing boundaries and doing things your way because you’re just out here trying to have fun!

People Stare at me Because I’m Beautiful

Okay, so maybe that's not entirely true. But honestly, that’s not even a problem. People can stare if they want to, and that's alright. Let them stare at whatever they see. I am true to my style, and more importantly, true to myself- and that’s all that matters. If donning my style keeps me happy, comfortable, and having fun every minute, I am totally okay with standing out.

There’s no fun in being the same as everyone else, and I know that. I just want to be me and to celebrate my individuality because, like everyone, I have my personality flaws, but that doesn't make me any less than anybody else. It's also okay if you can't accept yourself as you are instantly. Self-love takes time, but it is so worth it! If you know me, you’ll know that I don’t fit the standard physical features of a typical guy, but you know what, I'm not a replica. I am Nealay Patel, and even if there’s another Nealay out there, he can't be me because I'm the only me there is if you know what I mean. I celebrate my individuality in mind, body, and spirit with style because I deserve to be celebrated, just like everybody else!


-Nealay Patel // Owner, Designer & Educator of SilverSilk & More

Nealay Patel

I exercise my craft in designing, educating and publishing various jewelry works. My checklist of accomplishments includes writing three jewelry-making books, hosting workshops at many trade shows, making television appearances on Beads, Baubles and Jewels and Jewel School on the Jewelry Television Network. Aside from actively participating in my own brand, Beads & Bubbles, I’m also a designer for Jesse James beads and Soft Flex Wire and I work full-time as an art director in my hometown, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm excited to grow SilverSilk & More and learning all the challenges that come with it. I look forward to working with you.

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